El mundo es cada vez más pequeño, cada vez más crecen las familias bilingües y con ello, la necesidad y el deseo de transmitir ambos idiomas a los niños. Si […]
You are more likely to deny the truth in your second language Koldunova Anna/Shutterstock Manon Jones, Bangor University and Ceri Ellis, University of Manchester Whether you’re speaking in your native […]
¿Qué es la celebración de Januca? Januca o la fiesta de las luces, tiene una duración de ocho días y generalmente cae entre Noviembre y Diciembre. Es costumbre reunirse con […]
How to improve children’s language awareness at primary school Making language lessons count. via shutterstock.com Karen Roehr-Brackin, University of Essex and Angela Tellier, University of Essex Young children have a […]
Researchers say it might be time to re-think the emphasis on mono-lingualism. Cesar Pics/Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA Rebecca Callahan, University of Texas at Austin Speaking more than one language may confer […]
Far fewer Americans speak a second language than in most other developed countries – and the problem starts in the classroom. Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock.com Catherine Snow, Harvard University A recent report from the […]
¿Los niños con discapacidad auditiva pueden ser bilingües? Un interesante artículo de una familia con integrantes con discapacidad auditiva nos lo cuentan. ¿Quién eres? Mi nombre es Maru Ascencio, soy […]
Why the baby brain can learn two languages at the same time How do babies learn language? Irene Zaccari, CC BY-NC-ND Naja Ferjan Ramirez, University of Washington Any adult who […]
Should I raise my kids bilingually? Do children get confused growing up speaking two languages? Or is it beneficial? Shutterstock Katherine Demuth, Macquarie University and Nan Xu Rattanasone, Macquarie University […]
Who Said You Have to Speak the Language To Teach the Language? Learning a new language, especially one that you have limited exposure to can be scary. I know the […]